Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Favorite Book

My favorite book is Little Women by Louisa May Alcott. I read it 3 years ago, and it is still my favorite. I could read it over and over again. I still cry every time I get to the part where Beth is sick. Every single time. It doesn't matter that I know it's coming.

Although I have a favorite book, I don't think I have a favorite author. I haven't read enough books to have one.

The last book I read was Lock and Key by Sarah Dessen. I think I would've enjoyed it more if I'd had more time. Lately I feel pressured when I read, like I should be doing something else, like maybe my homework. I do want to read more this semester though, or at least try to. I used to love to read, and now it just doesn't seem like I have the time.

Monday, February 8, 2010


So, smells. Every time someone asks me this question (and yes, I've been asked this quite a few times) I've never known what to say. Favorite smell? I don't know, cookies? Dryer sheets? Axe? But today, I had an epiphany. I've finally come upon my favorite smell. And it is the smell of rain. Rain smells fabulous, I have never met someone who is against the smell of rain. Especially in Kansas. When it rains in southwest Kansas, people get excited. Since rain is so rare, it just increases the awesome-ness. I will never get tired of the smell of rain. I swear, I could move to Seattle, and still be in love.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


1. Music
1b. Playing Piano
1c. Playing the oboe
1d. Listening to music
1e. Recommending music to others

2. Theater
2a. Musical theater

3. Kids
3a. Playing with kids
3b. Singing with kids
3c. Playing tea party with the girls I babysit for
3d. Babysitting kids

4. Friends
4a. My close girl friends
4b. Boys :)
4c. My sisters

This is pretty much what takes up my time right now.

My Favorite Memory

Favorite memories are hard to choose, because life is full of wonderful moments that you want to remember forever. Probably my favorite memory thus far though, is when I tied for 9th at the State Spelling Bee. It was a great feeling, and my family was all so happy. I was disappointed a bit at first, because the word I went out on, I knew how to spell. Narcissistic. I spelled it "N-A-R-C-I-S-I-S-S-T-I-C." It was upsetting, but the girl who ended up winning the entire bee, went on to be in the top ten at Nationals. Both my mother and my other sister, Susan, had been big spellers, and I felt like I was really part of something because I had done well. All the preparation had paid off, and it was pretty fun to show what I could do.

This Saturday, I will be a judge for the Finney County Spelling Bee. I remember watching the National Bee at home, and cringing when they'd miss the word. I hope I'll be able to keep a straight face this weekend. I'll admit it though, I'm pretty excited. Just thinking about it gives me a little rush of adrenaline. Yeah, I know. Nerdy :)