Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Abigail Lauren Alsop is officially open for business!
...blog wise.

And I'd like to start out with 2 goals I have for this semester.

The first is about my geometry grade. My grade in Mr. Hawks class last semester was an 85.92%. Now, normal people would say this is fairly decent. Maybe even a good grade. But however avid readers, you are mistaken. Because in the eyes of Ted Alsop, AKA my father, this is a disgrace. I should be thrown out, cast off, ridiculed! Ok, that might be going a touch far. But you get the idea. So this semester, I will have no more. I plan on getting my geometry grade up to an A, and not just a 90.01 either. I'm talking full blown, 93 and up. I must admit, it'll be hard work. But I think I'm up for the challenge.

My second goal is to "grow up." This goal is even more important than the previous, because my social life depends on it. As of last Monday, I'm without my phone and computer at home, all because I'm not "growing up." Now, I'm not sure what really constitutes "growing up," but I am going to try my darndest to find out and fix it. Because I'm pretty much dying here. If anyone has any suggestions, they would be greatly appreciated. I miss my Facebook dearly.

Until we meet again my friend,
The End.

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